Ep 44 - Haydee Hernandez - Building a culture of experimentation

This was an episode where I talked with Haydee Hernandez, Director of Product Management @ CollegeAdvisor.com. Haydee and I met at ProductCamp Chicago more than 5 years ago. Like me Haydee is an avid believer in constant experimentation to make the best products and experiences, and leveraging data from those experiments to make decisions. Listen to Haydee and my conversation around building a culture of experimentation.

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Ep 43 - Michel Guillet - Leveraging product and data-driven thinking to enhance sales teams

This was an episode where I talked with Michel Guillet a Sr. Product Manager at the fast-growing SalesLoft startup where they help companies engage with customers, build pipeline, and close revenue, faster and we discuss how human-centric and data-driven approaches can help sales better succeed.

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