The exciting future of self service analytics
/The exciting future of self service analytics
Episode 003
The future of self-service analytics is bright, but could things like AI help analysts do their jobs even better?
Self service analytics isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, we think it’s only become more prevalent!
Why is this? Well for starters, there’s more data than ever before! And our BI, Analytics and Data Science teams just simply can’t (and shouldn’t) keep up with the demand. This is a great problem to have, but will require shifts in the traditional analyst paradigm.
Leaders are finally starting see the value in their data, and in order to get them what they need, we need to move faster, getting the RIGHT data, in the RIGHT hands, at the RIGHT time.
So what about Artificial Intelligence? Is it going to eliminate the need for analysts, data science, etc.? The short answer is no… but it IS going to require that the consumers of this information are capable of a baseline understanding of how data works, how math works, and how to communicate what’s being created.
We hope you enjoy this episode. Until next week!